Here for you | Counselling & Psychotherapy by Joanna Satula-McGirr
Here for you

What is Counselling and Psychotherapy?

Counselling and Psychotherapy refer to a process of meeting with a professionally trained therapist in an individual or group setting to discuss and help manage personal issues.

While friends and family can provide support in many situations, they may be too close to the problems; we might want to protect them from our distress; or we may feel too ashamed of our feelings to share them with those closest to us.

A psychotherapist can help us go deeper, beyond what we already know. Patterns of feelings and thoughts which have been with us for most of our lives seem ’normal’ – counselling and psychotherapy help us connect to what we have not let ourselves be aware of. It can be hard work - but with great rewards.

Although there are many differnt approaches to counselling and psychotherapy, the main and most important thing they all have in common is the realtionship between the client and the therapist. It is the relationship that heals therefore entering psychotherapy is buliding a new trusting relationship that will help to overcome past and present difficulties.

If you are troubled have personal, social or psychological issues and want help, counselling and psychotherapy may be the tool you need to help you through.

Issues We Work With:

  • difficulties at work, school or home
  • feeling low, isolated, angry or anxious
  • problems with relationships
  • adjusting to a major life change
  • immigration/ emigration issues
  • bereavement or coping with loss
  • traumatic accidents
  • self-injury
  • eating problems

Contact Us

To arrange a telephone consultation or to book your first appointment, please call us on: 508 895 880

Here For You really helped me overcome fear and anxiety. I have always been afraid of confronting people and standing up for myself. Joanna helped me to see that there was nothing to fear and I was able to make sense of my feelings and as a result I have learned to overcome in this area of my life. I never realised how much it had been holding me back, and through the sessions we unravelled the reason behind my feelings and fear.