Bereavement is a term used to describe any event that includes loss, so this could mean losing your job, loosing your identity, leaving your country or the death of someone you know.
There is no one way of dealing with loss, people respond to loss in very individual ways; some may be visibly upset for a long time, some may seem to be coping well on the outside, while they are still grieving on the inside. Our reactions to bereavement include feelings of grief, shock, numbness, anger and sadness.
Often we are expected to get on with our lives quickly, sometimes too quickly.
Some people need help with grieve; if left unprocessed for too long time it an leave us with emotional scars and can lead to depression and other mental health issues.
If you are experiencing loss and grieve counselling and psychotherapy may be the right place for you.
At Kraków Counselling and Psychotherapy in Kraków Kliny we can help you to process your feelings it in a more health way, come to terms with what happened and learn to cope in the new situation.